Thursday, December 2, 2010

Cavs brace for LeBron James' return

Boos rained down on LeBron James in the sand, which once dominated.

Back to Cleveland for the first time visiting players, James was by deafening boos, vulgar songs and some unprintable words Cavaliers(Cleveland Cavaliers Jerseys sale in the top 20 on fans welcomed when he spoke on Thursday evening when a member of the Miami Heat.

Security guards lined the entrance to the courtyard, came James jumped out of the tunnel and an electrically charged atmosphere more than 20,000 fans who have waited five months to see her return to hostilities in the two NBA MVP.

Williams is almost like his ex-girlfriend to get your wedding.

With speculation that James is powder before the game ritual that was happening anyway, so a cloud of smoke above his head as the crowd roared their disapproval to start.

A fan was ejected immediately attracted James and shouted in the face of the superstars. The Cavaliers are required to James, was the release this summer, when he left as a free agent and save Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh decided in Miami.

A native of Akron trays before the game, Cleveland fans, some holding signs saying  You hate Akron Too ,  Exit  and  Remember Game 5 , which is patchy in its last game of the Cavaliers at Quicken Loans Arena A loss of the Boston Celtics.

James was the first player introduced, and when he lined up for the national anthem, Cavs owner Dan Gilbert, was shown on the giant scoreboard sand, drawing loud applause. In the first hours after the announcement of the notorious James' that he signed with the Heat, Gilbert began in an open letter to fans of the Cavs and then 25 years accused of leaving during the playoffs in the past two seasons.

James looked up and saw the ovation was Gilbert. He shook his head hit his feet and turned to his new teammates, pumping his fist as he told them something.

Moments later, the Cavs marched a few other local sports stars, including former Browns quarterback Bernie Kosar, the current receiver Josh Cribbs, Travis Hafner Indians bats and comedian Drew Carey - Cleveland uniform all the wine and gold.

Previously, when entering the Quicken Loans Arena, Santiago, with large glasses, a hat and black leather jacket with the phrase:  Time to Roll  on the back, said nothing as he walked to the locker room in Miami - a place that had never before.

James login to a sand guard before joining the house and for what should be a homecoming for the enemy to prepare native Akron.

Moments later, James is back on the floor, where he produced his greatest triumphs. When I was with the Cavaliers, James was routine on the field to get to take about an hour before the game, in a different uniform, that has not changed.

During the game, three three-bed, James was surrounded by a horde of photographers and television cameras chronicle his every move. He joked with his former teammate JJ
Hickson bridge over the young striker and then greeted the Cavaliers assistant coach Chris Jent.

This guy, who just separated after rising 12 points lip open on a number of car pick-up in retirement.

It was the night that Cleveland - and it seems that the rest of the world of basketball - had expected. This was the moment when he Cavaliers fans, your chance of James in his place after they had dreamed embarrassed on national television.

The day started with taking the Cavs guard Mo Williams to a subtle shot at his old friend and former teammate. As an avid fan of the Atlanta Braves, the Red Sox jacket for target practice in the morning the team, perhaps an early sign of what James, a stalwart supporter of the New York Yankees, can not wait for his first game in Cleveland Road was wearing.

It's almost like his ex-girlfriend to get to your wedding,  said Williams.

The heat held during the day behind in your hotel. But after an inspection with his teammates, James delayed his nap traditional game days and one of its trading partners to meet in the lounge of the Ritz-Carlton.

After the meeting, James went to the elevator and asked if he was ready for the fans of Cleveland were let go on.

In the past,  said Williams, who was with James, he has not spoken to the league MVP twice a month. Williams considered retirement this summer after the decision of James and to not answer directly to questions about his broken relationship.

Pressed on a split with James smiled Williams.

James published return was the construction of course, from the moment they sat in a chair in a famous director Boys and Girls Club of Greenwich, Connecticut, and announced to the world for a TV special time that the alignment of the stars Wade and Bosh would colleagues in South Beach.

That was his  decision  time. On the evening of Thursday, the Cavaliers won fans last.

Security is unprecedented in Quicken Loans Arena. There will be uniformed and plainclothes police around the building to vent, keep an eye on more than 20,000 fans screaming and crying to James, the man from Akron, will be used to animate.

Byron Scott, coach of the Cavaliers know what play it back on, against a former team. A member of the Lakers  Showtime  teams, suddenly the experience of an outsider during a visit to Los Angeles, while Indiana and Vancouver.

Williams said he did not hope Cleveland fans get carried away, as they express their anger in Santiago, but he appreciates their passion.

Then he and James - Cleveland Fans - go their separate ways.

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