Tuesday, October 19, 2010

DDL: Central Division?

If the Bulls LeBron James and Dwyane Wade, this year there were many people, when the team would be able, without could sign a player of games or take a big hit landed struggle wonder if the cops who most need. When I tried to tell people the whole summer, the Bulls already have such in his place: His name is Derrick Rose. The escort of 22 All-Star is better in crucial situations, always at the end of the games, as his three equalizer covered with 1.6 seconds left in overtime loss Friday to the non-conformists. Rose plays with more confidence and arrogance than at any other time in his young career. He wants to take and shots in the Finals. And it is a very good sign for the bulls and Thibodeau, although Rose missed bind 3 at the other end of the overtime.

Asked if he began to feel more confidence in pressure situations, he just smiled and nodded.

Yes,  he said.  Above all, just my system, I repeat, if you would open, I let myself shoot. No matter what happens. No matter how I drop by drop, whatever, I throw the ball. The mere fact, in [End game uses situations grow] as a player and I can be more.

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