Sunday, November 14, 2010

Oregon, Auburn are 1-2 in BCS again

The Horned Frogs(click here to link wholesale NFL jerseys.) and Broncos are allusive for two prizes. The aggregation in third abode in the BCS standings is acceptable to be next in band for the civic championship bold if Auburn or Oregon blooper up down the stretch.

Auburn plays Alabama the day afterwards Thanksgiving and South Carolina in the Southeastern Conference appellation game.Oregon has off this weekend, followed by a home bold adjoin Arizona and a alley bold adjoin Oregon State.

Even if a appellation bold atom doesn't appear up, TCU and Boise State are still aggressive for an automated BCS bid, one that would acceptable forward the accomplished ranked aggregation to the Rose Bowl while the added could get larboard out of the BCS altogether.

The Horned Frogs played their abutting bold of the division Saturday, a 40-35 achievement adjoin San Diego State in which they accustomed the Aztecs aback in the bold with two continued fourth-quarter touchdown passes.

Schlabach: Boise in position to bolt TCUUtah didn't do TCU any favors this anniversary if it absent to Notre Dame, and the Horned Frogs are paying for it in the polls, writes Mark Schlabach. Story

TCU aswell was aching by Utah's 28-3 accident at Notre Dame. The Horned Frogs exhausted the ahead best Utes 47-7 in their above-mentioned game. It looked like a big win at the time and helped TCU widen its advance on Boise State in the BCS standings.

A anniversary later, assault the Utes doesn't attending so absorbing and Boise State has crept closer. The Broncos exhausted Idaho 52-14 on Friday night.
With three added amateur to play, compared with one for TCU, the Broncos ability accept abundant larboard to bend accomplished the Frogs.

Boise State jumped TCU and confused into third in both the Harris and coaches' polls, admitting in both cases the Broncos and Frogs are afar by beneath than a dozen points. TCU still holds a absitively bend in the computer ratings at third compared to Boise State's sixth.

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