Thursday, November 4, 2010

Sad news:Sparky Anderson Dies At 76

Reds fans were surprised when Sparky Anderson was introduced in Cincinnati in his first day as director of the Major League Baseball, so that a stranger on the first professional baseball team.

In the time it was, this man produce a tuft of white hair and a pseudo-students a powerful list of benefits, the three titles included in the series - including crowns in each league - and an entrance of the temple of Fame on his resume.

Anderson, the Big Red Machine led back to back championships and won another in Detroit, Thursday died of dementia in Thousand Oaks, California, at the age of 76 A day earlier, said his family had been placed in palliative care.

Anderson was the first coach to win the World Series title run in both leagues and the only manager to create two franchises in victories in his career.

Teams in Cincinnati Anderson - Johnny Bench, Joe Morgan and Rose - the crown won in 1975 and 1976 and are among the most powerful of all time. Directed by Kirk Gibson and Alan Trammell, Anderson won with the Tigers in 1984.

Anderson has never tried their computers, their star wide leeway in trying to hide in the shadows remain. At the request of Anderson, there will be no funeral or memorial service.

Always friendly, always open and is known for self-criticism, Anderson was equally popular with players, fans and media.

Respectful of his players and valuable for their humility, humanity, eternal optimism and knowledge of the game,  said its Board of Directors of the Hall of Fame.

Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig called Mr. Anderson and a good friend.

The Reds a picture of Anderson's Garden video screen at the Great American Ball Park on the afternoon of Thursday, in honor of the man who had his best moments.

Either way, Sparky touched the lives of all Reds fans,  said owner Bob Castellini.

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