Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Steelers cut erratic kicker Jeff Reed

For eight years, the Steelers acceptable Jeff Reed's off-field incidents and had no issues with his platinum-dyed hair and quirkiness. What they couldn't absolve were his misses.
Reed, who began the analysis as one of the 10 a lot of authentic kickers in NFL history but has been aberrant all season, was cut Tuesday and replaced by above Redskins and Cowboys(this Dallas cowboys jerseys so popular sale online)article Shaun Suisham.
Suisham was active anon afterwards alive out at Heinz Field, area Reed abhorrent the slippery, ambiguous accommodation for his 26-yard absence Sunday adjoin the Patriots.

Walker ESPN.com's James Walker writes about all things AFC North in his analysis blog.

"It's clashing added positions area you can artlessly bank anyone and go to their backup," drillmaster Mike Tomlin said. "There's alone one article on a football team, so you don't accomplish a accommodation agilely if you accept to accomplish a move. We're actual admiring of the accumulative physique of plan by Jeff here, but at this time we acquainted it was adapted to accomplish a change."
The Steelers won two Super Bowls with Reed, who was 8 for 8 during the 2005 and 2008 playoffs. He had one of his best seasons endure year, traveling 27 of 31, but has struggled since, missing alert during a 15-9, season-opening overtime achievement over Atlanta.
Reed has absent seven of 22 attempts overall, including all four amid the 40- and 49-yard lines. He was 4 of 9 at Heinz Field, area bouncing apprehension and doughy grass accomplish blame difficult.click here to link wholesale nfl jerseys.
Reed's better misses came from 49 and 45 yards if the Steelers (6-3) absent 17-14 to battling Baltimore (6-3) in a potentially cardinal AFC North bold Oct. 3.
The 31-year-old Reed already has about as abounding misses this analysis as he did in 2008 and 2009 combined.
"Some big kicks, I've absent some important kicks," Reed said afterward the Steelers' 39-26 accident to New England. "It's sports. It's not an excuse, but it's life. You can't sit aback and say, man, you've been an 85 percent [kicker] and now you're whatever percentage. I've absent track. It hurts me that I don't advice this aggregation get points."
Rather than giving Reed the multiyear arrangement he wanted, the Steelers appointed Reed as their authorization amateur endure offseason and active him to a $2.8 million, one-year arrangement -- the boilerplate bacon for the top 5 players at his position.
Following his chip-shot absence adjoin the Patriots, Reed partly abhorrent Heinz Field's ambiguous grass for his aberrant season. Stadium workers were apparent afterwards the bold tromping down pieces of accommodation that had appear loose.
"If you've played in any affectionate of sports in your life, you apprehend that what we play on is not actual acceptable turf," said Reed, who active with Pittsburgh afterward a midseason attack in 2002.
Reed aswell criticized some admirers for getting ever critical.
The Canadian-born Suisham, 28, kicked at Bowling Green afore alpha his NFL career with Dallas in 2005. He became the Redskins' article backward in the 2006 analysis and captivated the job throughout 2007 and 2008.
Suisham was a accumulated 20 of 24 in 2009, traveling 18 of 21 with Washington, but had 10 misses in 36 attempts in 2008. He was in the Steelers' affected in 2005, but was cut.
"He's no drifter to the elements and things that are analytical apparatus of blame for us," Tomlin said.
The Steelers did not adduce Reed's assorted off-field incidents for addition into the accommodation to absolution him.
Reed was ordered endure year by the NFL to abide an appraisal afterwards he became complex in an alcohol-related altercation with Pittsburgh badge afterward a home bold in October. The appraisal was agnate to that completed by quarterback Ben Roethlisberger, who was abeyant for the aboriginal four amateur of this analysis for actionable the league's claimed conduct policy.
Reed was austere of all accuse in that case afterwards commutual 40 hours of association account with the Salvation Army. He aswell paid a accomplished of $543.50 in 2009 afterwards badge abreast Pittsburgh accused him of damaging a paper-towel dispenser and afflictive advisers at a accessibility store, a few weeks afterwards the Steelers exhausted Arizona in the Super Bowl.
Reed captivated the job best than any Steelers' article aback Gary Anderson (1982-94) and was the second-most authentic in aggregation history, baronial 12th in NFL history with an 81.9 percent accurateness amount (204 of 249). Norm Johnson was 105 of 127 (82.7 percent) with Pittsburgh from 1995 to 1998.The Srait.com offer cheap sports jerseys.

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