Sunday, November 21, 2010

Vince Young out as Titans starter

 Tennessee coach Jeff Fisher said after the overtime loss Sunday to the Redskins for the quarter, Vince Young has his grip on the starting job lost.

Fisher's remarks follow a very emotional day for young people, he was booed in the fifth year signal caller, he injured his thumb, threw his shoulder into the stands and outside LP Field without speaking to the media.

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Young injured his finger when his hand hit the helmet after throwing a 37-yard completion to Nate Washington. He stayed in the game for a transfer to Chris Johnson, and then on the bench, where he took his thumb. Coaches kept re-register your thumb and threw the ball to Randy Moss, trying to see if he could come back.

Vince has a torn flexor tendon in the finger and I was not with their ability to control the ball, so I stayed happy with Rusty [Smith],  Fisher told The Tennessean after the game.  He told me he never said was good and wanted to go back, and told me I was a little excited and told me later half of his uniform produced in the stands.

Young said, people close to him was that the thumb well and was able to play again, a source said the quarterback after the loss of Adam Schefter says ESPN. The source also said that young people do not think you need surgery on his thumb.

The source said the boy was angry that Fisher does not believe in him and not about the game back when the quarterback felt healthy enough to play.

Young journalists walked quickly after the game and the Tennessean reported that the Titans, Michael Griffin, the youth chased, but could not the product of Texas.

Fisher told the newspaper that said the youth, but refused to reveal details of the conversation.
 Young people can the fans, the Titans home team throughout the game was booed disturbed. While the fans booed at the end of the first half, young restless, when fans booed - as if they stir up a.

Smith, a rookie in the sixth round at Florida Atlantic chosen NFL debut Sunday. He went 3-for-9 for 62 yards and an interception. Kerry Collins is the Titans No. 3 small quarter with a strained left.

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